Thu, 6:00 PM - 8:45 PM (1/12/2009 - 4/23/2009) Location: MAIN EGAN 104A
Thu, 6:00 PM - 8:45 PM (1/12/2009 - 1/16/2009) Location: MAIN CODA 305
This course extends knowledge, dispositions, and school business practices related to public education finance beyond those skills learned in EDU 617. Students examine purchasing practices in depth a well as school expenditures, including risk management programs and construction projects along with competitive bidding mandates. Other school business functions studied include managing personnel, purchasing, accounting, district investing, managing facilities and capital assets, as well as overseeing the district???s transportation, food service, security, and technology services. The course includes the following experiential learning assignments in which students complete district fiscal analysis, develop a competitive bid, and create a spending reduction plan. Prerequisite: EDU 617.