
Course Information

Field Service & Prof Dev Div Env (EDU 214)

Term: 2020-2021 Fall


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The 50-hour service and professional development learning projects are designed to encourage pre-service educators to engage in rich and varied experiences of working with children and youth in educational and community settings that may include cultural, linguistic, socio-economic, and individual diversity. The pre-service educator can select from a broad and varied menu of activities to fulfill the 50-hour service and professional development requirement. Hours will be accumulated as fulfilling requirements of specific courses; however, the majority of hours will be awarded in fulfillment of self-selected community, school, and university service to others and professional development opportunities. In addition, the student can selct a variety of ways to creatively document and verify the experience or to engage in additional research. The learning projects are designed to document the student's experience over a 4-year period of time. The awarding of 1-hour credit will occur upon th