
Course Information

Early Experience II (EDU 209)

Term: 2010-2011 Spring


Dr. Tiffany T BouryShow MyInfo popup for Dr. Tiffany T Boury
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Office hours:
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
  • Tuesday 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
  • Friday 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM
    Elizabeth L PerkinsShow MyInfo popup for Elizabeth L Perkins
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    Lynnda BizzariShow MyInfo popup for Lynnda Bizzari
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    Mrs. Christine Christine FranceShow MyInfo popup for Mrs. Christine Christine France
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    Dorothy VudrogovicShow MyInfo popup for Dorothy Vudrogovic
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    Janet M. PietrzakShow MyInfo popup for Janet M. Pietrzak
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    Mary Kathryn McVeyShow MyInfo popup for Mary Kathryn McVey
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    Email all faculty members


    Wed, 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM (1/17/2011 - 5/11/2011) Location: MAIN STJO


    is a field-based experience for students to begin to address the competencies of the specific licensure area sought (early childhood, adolescent to young adult, or mild/moderate intervention specialist and multi-aged license), It is an in-depth continuation of Early Experience I. Students are provided with the opportunity to study and become directly involved with curriculum materials and technology, diagnostic and prescriptive procedures, and methods of instruction that are developmentally appropriate for the licensure area sought, and to ensure increased proficiency in teaching responsibilities as outlined by the specific ODE curriculum models. Students will be evaluated based upon successful competency completion within the licensure area being sought, i.e. unit preparation and implementation.Performance-based assessments adhering to the CAEP Standards and Specialized Professional Associations (SPA) are required. Candidate Dispositions are assessed. (60 hours in the classroom). Cand