
Course Information

Collective Bargaining & Contract Mg (EDU 722)

Term: 2012-2013 Fall


Charles JoyceShow MyInfo popup for Charles Joyce
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Wed, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (8/27/2012 - 11/19/2012) Location: MAIN EGAN 118


This course requires a study and understanding of the views of teacher associations or unions and boards of education (through their superintendent or personal negotiator) regarding the processes and procedures of collective bargaining. Secondly, the course promotes an understanding of the procedures of living within a negotiated agreement on the part of teachers and administrators. A study of the complete collective bargaining process, from developing proposals to agreement or strike, including an intensive bargaining simulation of an actual agreement, are part of the course. Lastly, EDU 722 will consider significant topics such as the desired skills on the part of board and teacher negotiators, how to handle negotiation breakdowns, and the anticipated changes in the collective bargaining process for the future.