
Course Information

Prehistoric Archaeological Fld Stdy (EDU 515)

Term: 2010-2011 Summer


Philip T. FitzgibbonsShow MyInfo popup for Philip T. Fitzgibbons
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Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (6/20/2011 - 6/24/2011) Location: MAIN EGAN G-15


The purpose of this program is to develop a teaching unit in prehistoric archaeology. The teaching unit will include verbal discussions and color slides on the following topics: (1) Prehistoric Archives Review; (2) Prehistoric Literature Searches; (3) Prehistoric Site Preparation; (4) Site Surface Surveying; (5) Site Test Excavation Methods; (6) Site and Feature Mapping Techniques; (7) Excavation Interpretations; (8) Artifact and Ecofact Recordation; (9) Volumetric Soil Sampling and Analytical Methods; (10) Preliminary Laboratory Data Processing and Analyses.