
Course Information

Preparing Educators Virtual Contxt (EDU 366)

Term: 2024-2025 Fall


Kathleen Ann GiannamoreShow MyInfo popup for Kathleen Ann Giannamore
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Elizabeth AllgoodShow MyInfo popup for Elizabeth Allgood
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Mon-Wed-Fri, 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM (8/26/2024 - 12/13/2024) Location: MAIN EGAN 200


Prepares candidates to understand, create and disseminate tutorials and lessons for virtual learners integrating best practices in virtual teaching. The course includes an examination of online course design using Backward Design Planning (Bowen, 2017). Candidates will adapt material to meet individual characteristics and apply appropriate instructional strategies and models of design in the online learning environment with ISTE Standards and intentional and systematic practice of the revised TPACK framework (Mishra, 2019). Subject matter of this course includes the study of: Principles of Online Instruction, Tools for Teaching Online, Building and Sustaining Online Learning Communities, Equity and Accessibility in Virtual Settings, Digital Citizenship.