
Course Information

Assess/Interven Yng w/Mild Disabili (EDU 325)

Term: 2016-2017 Fall


Emily SobeckShow MyInfo popup for Emily Sobeck
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Tue-Thu, 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM (8/30/2016 - 12/16/2016) Location: MAIN EGAN 113


requires pre-service educators to acquire the terminology used in assessment and to interpret information from formal and informal assessments to plan instruction within the three-tiered Response to Instruction Model. The legal provisions and ethical principles regarding the assessment of individuals, including those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds will be examined. National, state, and local accomodations and modifications to assessment and instruction will be addressed. The effects of culture and linguistic differences on the growth and development of young children will be discussed in addition to the design of evidence-based interventions for children who may be at risk for learning disabilities, particularly, dyslexia. Pre-service educators will apply strategies from multiple theoretical approaches to support individuals with disabilities or socio-cultural differences in the general curriculum; in addition, specific characteristics of Tier 2 and Tier 3 in